The Marine Technology Research Unit is a group with multidisciplinary knowledge that can investigate integrated solutions for complex systems, mainly through numerical simulation techniques and experimental tests. The research fields are concerned with studying marine installations and their control in the most comprehensive sense. Current research topics (mostly developed within the framework of scientific collaborations with leading organisations and companies in the sector, such as the Italian Navy and Fincantieri) include:
1. Energy efficiency and innovative propulsion systems;
2. Modelling and simulation of marine systems;
3. Control and optimisation of ship energy systems;
4. Navigation decision support systems;
5. Autonomous navigation systems;
6. Reliability, availability and safety of systems;
7. Performance of naval mechanical transmissions;
8. Diagnostics and prognostics aimed at the maintenance of naval systems.
It is worth noticing that most of these topics are aligned with the themes provided by the Horizon Europe (HEU) 2021-27 with regard to the shipbuilding, nautical and marine technology sector, with particular reference to the topics of ship equipment and propulsion.
The Research Unit manages a laboratory for experimental activities called COntrol, Manoeuvrability & Propulsion for Autonomous Surface Ship (COMPASS) and participates in the Ship in the Loopo (SHIL) Departmental Simulation Laboratory with the Ship Manoeuvrability Simulator and the LNG Plant Simulator.
The Operational Unit is proactive with scientific dissemination of the results obtained through participation in national and international congresses and publishing articles in the most prestigious international journals in the naval sector.
Contact person: Prof. Massimo Figari